Flushing & Vascular

Goodbye redness, hello flawless complexion

Experience the power of flawless skin with our flushing and vascular laser treatments - the secret to a confident, radiant you!


About flushing/redness

This effective non-invasive treatment specifically targets facial redness by targeting the haemoglobin in the upper papillary dermis. The laser emits a beam of light heating the tiny microvascular network, shutting it down, and removing it as waste. 

We use Class 4 Medical Grade Candela GentleYAG laser for optimal results, reducing overall ‘flushing’, redness, and reactive skin caused by sun damage, ageing, medication, genetics, or hormonal changes. We recommend 6-12 treatments at 4-week intervals.

About Vascular

This effective treatment erases broken capillaries and superficial blood vessels on the face, neck, decolletage, and upper body. Using Class 4 Medical Grade Candela Gentle YAG Pro, treats each individual dilated capillary using laser energy to target the blood supply within each vessel. The surge of heat collapses the capillary wall, causing the blood vessel to shut down. The body will naturally identify this as waste and eliminate the vessel through the lymphatic system. Our vascular removal targets broken capillaries, spider veins (not blue veins), and cherry angiomas..


Preparation & Aftercare


4 weeks prior to treatment

  • Avoid Laser, IPL treatments, and skin treatments including Cosmetic Grade Peels and Skin Needling 

2 weeks prior to treatment

  • Avoid fake tan, solarium, or tanning drugs such as Melanotan II
  • Avoid hair removal including electrolysis, waxing, and depilatory use
  • Avoid direct sun exposure and ensure daily use of ASAP Hydrating Defence 50+ SPF
  • No cosmetic injectables

1 week prior to treatment

  •  Avoid prescription topical Vitamin A or Hydroquinone 
  • Avoid exfoliating products



You may experience some bruising, redness, and swelling in the treated areas, this is completely normal and usually subsides within 3-5 days by following the recommended aftercare directions.

1-5 days post-treatment

  • Avoid exposing the treated area to direct sunlight and always use ASAP™ Hydrating Defence 50+ SPF sunscreen to protect your skin
  • Avoid direct heat (hot showers, saunas, or hair dryers) 
  • Avoid strenuous exercise, saunas, etc. for at least 5 days after the treatment. 
  • Apply cooling products to the treated skin such as ASAP™ Soothing Gel 
  • Avoid active products for 5 days such as ASAP™ AHA’s, Super C Serum, Super A+ Serum, Radiance Serum, Liquid Platinum and Hydrating Night Repair
  • Do not pick or pull any darkened, loose, or exfoliating skin 
  • Follow the recommended aftercare directions including ASAP™ Gentle Cleansing Gel, Super B Complex Serum, Ultimate Hydration, DNA Renewal Treatment, and Hydrating Defence 50+ SPF


For Best Results

We recommend 6-12 treatments with 4-week intervals for Flushing/Redness. For Vascular treatment we recommend 4-week intervals. The number of treatments will depend on the size of the capillaries and their location. Usually, smaller capillaries respond more quickly to the treatment.  

For optimal results partner with our Yellow LED Light Therapy treatment, creating faster healing and rejuvenated skin.

Want to book a Flushing & Vascular treatment?  Book Now

Frequently Asked Questions

How many Vascular, Flushing/Redness treatments will I need? 

For Vascular Lesions you will expect to see an improvement after your first treatment. The number of required treatments will vary depending on the type and location of the vascular lesion. Broken capillaries on the facial area (cheeks, chin, and nose), usually require 1-2 treatments at 4-week intervals. We treat cherry angiomas which usually require 1 treatment.

For Laser Flushing, we recommend 6-12 treatments at 4-week intervals for optimum results. Our experienced therapists will assess the vascular lesion and tailor a treatment plan suited to skin concerns.

Is this treatment suitable during pregnancy?

We require a medical clearance for pregnant and breastfeeding individual prior to proceeding with treatment.

Is there any down time?

There is minimal downtime with these treatments. Some redness, swelling and slight bruising may be experienced, this is completely normal and usually subsides within 3-5 days when you follow the recommended aftercare directions.

Scabbing may occur for treated cherry angiomas and may appear 5-7 days after the treatment.

What areas can be treated?

This treatment can be performed on most areas of the face and upper body except for the head.

Can I have Laser Vascular or Flushing/Redness treatments done if I’m on certain medications?

Some medication can cause photosensitivity to the skin which can increase the risk of an adverse reaction. We require a medical clearance prior to proceeding with treatment for the following medications but not limited to, oral and topical vitamin A’s, antibiotics, and certain antidepressant medication. We will require to do a test patch on you to determine if it is safe to commence treatment once a medical clearance has been obtained. 

Who is this this treatment suited for?

Laser Vascular lesions and Flushing treatments are suitable for individuals with a Fitzpatrick 1-3 skin tone.

I have blue-green colour spider veins; can I still have this treatment?

This treatment is not effective for individuals with blue and green spider veins. Our treatments are suitable for red and purple spider veins. We recommend you seek medical advice from a vein specialist.

Does Laser Vascular or Flushing/Redness treatment hurt?

For vascular lesion removal, we use Candela’s patented Dynamic Cooling Device which gives the skin a short spray of cryogen milliseconds before the laser pulse, you may experience a cold tingling sensation in the treatment area which usually subsides after the treatment. For flushing it is a warning sensation on the treated area.

Can I have this treatment done if I have Rosacea?

Both Laser Vascular removal and Flushing reduce facial redness and broken capillaries which is common for individuals with Rosacea.



¼ Face - $90

Half Face - $120

Full Face - $150

Cheeks - $90

Nose - $90

Neck - $120

Decolletage - $150

Face & Neck - $240

Face, Neck & Decolletage - $300

Hands - $120

Laser Vascular Treatment

Laser Vascular 5 minutes - $240

Laser Vascular 10 minutes - $310

Treat yourself!

Whether you're looking for a rewarding treatment or a boost of confidence, our experienced team will be able to help you get the treatment that's right for you! Please click the button below to book now or if you're not sure click here and fill out our enquiry form and one of our friendly staff will be in touch shortly.

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